Teacher Contact Details

Please find below the school email addresses for Class and Support teachers 22/23. Please be patient as they may have a number of messages to get through, but we will get back to all of your messages.
You can also email the main school email account info@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie and Thérése Gamble (Principal) will get back to you.
Niamh Hanna - Deputy Principal
g.cowman@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Grace Cowman (SET)
d.cronin@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Deirdre Cronin (Home School Community Liaison. Mobile Number: 089-2535012
n.fallon@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Niamh Fallon (Second Class)
caroline.hayes@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Caroline Hayes (1st Class)
e.baynes@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Emma Baynes (5th Class)
m.green@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Maeve Green (Senior Infants)
k.guinan@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Katie Guinan (6th Class)
f.mcnamara@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Fionuala McNamara (Early Start)
am.keane@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Anne Marie Keane (Junior Infants)
r.lucey@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Roisin Lucey (3rd/4th Class)
r.finan@stbrigidsthecoombe.ie Ruairí Finan (Support Teacher)