Health and Wellbeing

We partake in the Health Promoting School's Initiative. This initiative works to promote the health and wellbeing of schools. As part of the initiative we have set up a wellbeing committee in our school. It consists of teacher representatives, parent representatives, a community representative and student representatives. We meet regualry to discuss the health and wellbeing needs of our school. This year we have decided to focus on mental and physical health for the whole school community.

Please read below to hear more about the workings of our health and wellbeing committee in the words of our student representatives.


Here, in St. Brigid’s, our healthy school motto is “Run, rest and you’ll do the best”.

We encourage all children in the school to look after both their physical and mental health.

A few ways that we have helped to improve mental health in our school is to have meditation everyday for every class after big break.

We meditate and do mindfulness. Everyone loves it and understands how important it is to take a few minutes break and just breathe.

 Our teachers help us to be aware of how our inside voices speak to us. We make more of an effort to think positively. We also do children’s yoga in school too.

We celebrate friendship fortnight in our school. The highlight of the two weeks is Crazy Hair Day. We love it because it gets across the message that friends should not judge you for what you have or what you look like.

We are all loved by our friends and families for being true to ourselves. 

Part of our role on the wellbeing committee is to help spread kindness through out the school.

 We sometimes set kindness intentions for the whole school in assembly.

We also have playground pals and buddy benches at playtime to help children find friends on the yard.

We have a thinking garden in our yard too.

Children can think about their actions on yard and how they could make kinder choices instead.

We have lots of sports in our school and encourage children to be more active, as the saying goes a healthy body is a healthy mind.

We help to organise Active School’s Week with the teachers.

We enjoy the class pedometer challenges, walk a mile with a smile and challenge your neighbour’s activities.

We also enjoy when the Macarena comes on the intercom and we have to drop everything and dance.

Children love getting their parent’s involved and our home school teacher organises yoga and zumba for the parents to do in school.

It’s great because we can all talk about yoga at home.

We also write up our healthy schools committee newsletter.

It gives information to parents on all of the health and wellbeing activities we do in school.

We are lucky to have people come to our school and give us workshops.

Last year we had one on cyber bullying and 6th class went to DIT University to do a nutritional awareness workshop.

We hope improving wellbeing in our school will make children think more about the thoughts and feelings of both themselves and others.

Our school is a very happy, kind and healthy place.