
Aistear: The Cafe

This month in Aistear our theme was The Cafe. Lots of parents in our school work in restaurants and cafes so we thought this would be a very important topic to address. 

As usual there was a role play station and a small world cafe. The other stations included;

1. A menu writing station. Pupils wrote their own menus; drink menus, desert menus and dinner menus.

2. Sand Station: Children had to find pictures of food in the sand and catagorise the food into healthy, unhealthy, fruit or vegetables. 

3. Playdough Station: Students were given pictures of food. They had to construct these food items using playdough. 

4. Game Station: Playing the game "Fruit Pots", children had to take turns playing this game. This game was a HUGE hit with all the children in the class if any birthdays are coming up. They loved it! 

Aistear is a fantastic concept used by teachers to enhance learning and development in the classroom. As a teacher, I feel it is extremely important for children to experience their make believe play in real life. Because of this, we took a trip to our local cafe, The Fumbally Cafe! Here the children experienced first hand the;

  • chef that cooked their food
  • the waiter that took our order
  • the real menus that were available for us to read
  • the lady at the till who we paid 

They saw their pretend cafe in the classroom come to life. It will be an experience they will never forget. 


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